Retain, sustain, and gain: strategies for customer retention


In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of business, attracting new customers is just the beginning. The true mark of success lies in your ability to retain those customers, keeping them engaged, satisfied, and loyal. Customer retention is the cornerstone of a thriving enterprise, allowing you to not only sustain your business but also gain a competitive edge. 

There is a 60-70% chance of selling to an existing customer. Yet when it comes to new customers, the chance of closing a sale stands at just 5-20% – that means selling to existing customers can be your greatest source of revenue if you utilize it effectively. 

What is customer retention?

Customer retention simply refers to the ability of a business to retain its existing customers over a certain period of time. It is the process of nurturing and maintaining a strong relationship with customers, encouraging them to continue their engagement, purchases, and loyalty to the brand or company.

Why is customer retention important?

Customer retention is of paramount importance for your business for several reasons:

  • It keeps costs low: Finding new customers can be significantly more expensive than retaining existing ones. Retaining customers reduces the need for extensive marketing and advertising efforts to attract new customers. 
  • Increasing revenue: Loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and spend more money over time. They have already experienced the value and quality of your products or services, which reduces the barriers to further transactions. By nurturing customer relationships and keeping them engaged, you can enjoy a steady stream of revenue from loyal customers, contributing to sustainable growth.
  • Encourages brand advocacy: Satisfied and loyal customers often become enthusiastic brand advocates. They share positive experiences with others, refer new customers, and amplify your brand’s reach through word-of-mouth marketing. 
  • It can give you a competitive advantage: In highly competitive markets, customer retention can provide a significant competitive edge. By building strong relationships and offering superior customer experiences, you differentiate your business from competitors. It strengthens your market position and makes it harder for competitors to penetrate your customer base.
  • Feedback means better improvement: Retained customers provide valuable feedback and insights that can drive business improvement. Their ongoing engagement allows you to gather feedback on your products, services, and overall customer experience. 
  • Long-term business stability: By establishing a solid base of loyal customers, you reduce revenue fluctuations and create a foundation for sustainable growth. During challenging times, such as economic downturns or market disruptions, the support of loyal customers can be crucial in maintaining business resilience and survival.

Ultimately, customer retention is essential for businesses looking to thrive in the long term. By nurturing and cultivating relationships with existing customers, you can maximize your revenue, reduce costs, strengthen your brand, and position your business for sustained success in a competitive marketplace.

Customer retention strategies

Customer retention goes beyond simply preventing customer churn (when customers stop doing business with a company). It involves actively fostering customer loyalty, encouraging repeat purchases, and creating a sense of trust and satisfaction that keeps your customers coming back.

There are various strategies and practices involved in customer retention. Let’s take a look at some customer retention strategies 👇 .

Personalized customer experiences

Personalizing your customer’s experience can be a fantastic way to build a relationship with them. Using personalization tools such as the ones we offer with Outbase can create human feeling emails that resonate with your customers in a way emails wouldn’t normally. 

Want to know more about how we can help with personalization in prospecting emails? Read our blog: Personalised B2B email templates tailored to your audience

Exceptional customer service

Of course exceptional customer service is always important but it’s essential if you want to keep your customers happy. Selling is competitive, and if you’re not keeping your customers happy, they’ll go to someone else. In fact, in terms of factors that impact customer retention, 89% of companies admitted excellent customer service is critical.

But what does amazing customer service entail? One of the easiest ways to give great customer service is to just be friendly and listen to your customers. Demonstrating empathy and understanding towards customers’ concerns helps build trust and rapport – you need to show them that you care. When asked in a survey about what “customer loyalty” means, 74% of respondents said it’s about feeling appreciated and understood rather than receiving special offers.

It’s also important that you know your product inside out. Possessing in-depth knowledge and expertise about your products or services allows you to provide accurate and helpful information. 

Loyalty programs

Over half (53%) of consumers admit that discounts and loyalty points make them stay with a brand for longer, so introducing a loyalty program can be a great way to retain loyal customers. Think: what exclusive discounts or rewards can I offer? Your customers want to feel like they’re special and being rewarded for continuing to be loyal to you. 

Programs like these also collect valuable customer data that enables you to  personalize your marketing efforts to create a sense of exclusivity and value for customers. 

Anticipating and addressing customer needs

Knowing your customers is key to keeping good customer relationships – and to do this, you need to understand your market. Creating an ICP or (and) buyer personas can help you to really get you know your customers pain points and in knowing this, you can address them more effectively. 

It’s also essential that you’re available to answer any questions your customers might have. A great cost-effective solution is to have a chatbot on your website that can answer basic FAQs – or point customers to user documentation and how-to videos. 

Regular feedback collection, and continuous improvement based on customer feedback

By consistently delivering value and building trust, businesses can create a strong foundation for customer retention and long-term success. By actively seeking feedback, you demonstrate a customer-centric approach that customers will always prefer. 

Feedback helps identify pain points and areas for improvement, allowing you to enhance your product or service according to customer preferences – and to resolve any issues or product errors. Also, this approach differentiates you from your competitors, positioning you as customer-focused and committed to delivering exceptional experiences. 

How Outbase can help with retention

Outbase makes prospecting easy with automation and access to personalized email templates, meaning you have more time to think about customer retention. The combination of streamlined prospecting and effective customer retention strategies positions your business for long-term success. 

By efficiently acquiring new leads and then dedicating ample attention to retaining and nurturing existing customers, you can build strong customer loyalty, maximize customer lifetime value, and ultimately drive sustainable growth. 

Outbase’s tools empower you to strike a balance between prospecting and retention, allowing you to create a well-rounded and prosperous business.

Written by:
Lily Ruaah Content Writer